Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 2: All I want is... mac and cheese

Those words were not made famous by Thomas Jefferson. More to come on that quote. Today's journey started with a tour of Monticello - the estate of Thomas Jefferson. It turns out TJ was a gadget guy and brought back some innovative ideas from his stay in France and Europe. Jefferson had a number of "inventions" (err... borrowed ideas) found throughout the estate, including double-paned windows, an automatic door, and a gravity & weight driven clock that kept the time of day as well as indicated the day itself. Saturday is in the basement - you  just have to trust us on that one. Along with buildings, there was an extensive span of crops which once included tobacco and wheat. Today, various vegetables are still grown, including the guinea bean or snake gourd - known to our family as cucuzza. The tours were educational and rather lively. Even Vinny and Cece seemed to enjoy it.

Following Monticello, we had a long drive ahead of us through Virginia and West Virginia and eventually to Kentucky. Along the way, we spotted a pink and green giraffe... probably the world's tallest one. The day ended with a drive thru Huntington, WV (home of said giraffe) as well as home to the Huntington Ale House which features an entire page on their menu devoted to mac and cheese dishes - an apparent homage to Kurt Cobain who was known to have said, "All I want is... mac and cheese." Our teen travellers honored Kurt by selecting the chicken parm mac & cheese. And like Kurt, there was nothing left.

Photos at

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